Thursday, March 25, 2010


Last night, we stayed at a traditional Japanese inn called a "ryokan". Hakone is a resort town near Mount Fuji that is famous for its hot springs. We dressed in our yukata for our entire time at the inn including our dinner which was quite a sumptious Japanese feast. Our ryokan featured an "onsen" , a hot spring communal bath. Upon arrival, we all had a soak. Jack and I with the gents and Alison and Zo with the ladies. The water was milky white and hot with a strong sulphurous odor. The baths were outdoors so the cool evening air and gentle rain was a nice complement to the hot water. Today was to be our Fuji-san day but regrettably we had our first day of rain on the trip so the iconic mountain was shrouded by low clouds. That didn't stop us from getting out on the water of Lake Ashi, which is one of the Five Lakes of Fuji.

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