Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sengan-en Garden

This morning we visited a former estate of the Shimadzu clan, the powerful feudal lords who ruled the Kagoshima prefecture and much of Kyushu for eight centuries. What remains of the estate is principally a beautiful garden property. Part of the garden includes a cat shrine. Yoshiro, the 7th Shimadzu lord, took seven cats with his army when he went to war with Korea. He used thepupils of the cats' eyes to tell the time of day. as such, he held the feline in high regard and had a shrine constructed in their honour. Today, people leave messages for their cats.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Family, Have you gone to some of the coffee houses where they make the most delicious coffee in the world as the Japanese are the ultimate perfectionists? All of the posts are so interesting. I am now going to expedia to look at the geography of Japan. Mum
