Monday, March 22, 2010

Mr Miyagi - Karate Master of Okinawa

The martial art Karate was developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom in what is now Okinawa. After occupying Ryukyu, the Shimadzu outlawed the use of weaponry. The locals invented karate so that their bodies would become their weapons. Karate did not migrate to the Japanese mainland until the early 20th century.
Hence, I suppose the back story of Mr Miyagi, the master Karateka in
The Karate Kid. He hailed from a fishing village in Okinawa (recall the plot of KK 2 when Daniel-san and Miyagi return to Japan to defend his home and face his lifetime rival)

1 comment:

  1. Were there any monuments to the"crane defense" pose? I hope you bowed when you entered his dojo.
