Sunday, March 7, 2010

Intro to Our Blog

Hi everyone. This is Jack and Zoe creating a blog for our family trip to Japan. We leave on Thursday, and we will try to update it as often as we can.


Jack and Zoe

P.S. Above is a nice photo we found of somewhere in Japan.


  1. Thanks "In France" a.k.a Clare

  2. I'm excited almost time to go!!!!!!!!

  3. Go Zo + Jack. Start posting from Japan. We want to know how the flight was, where you are, etc. We are with Annie + Unca in Florida. Thinking of you guys. Have fun.
    Stuncle J

  4. 楽しく

    That either means "have fun" or "a large bear is chasing me"

    Brian aka Tucker

  5. Hi Family, It's raining cats and dogs today and flood warnings have been issued. The girls and their daddy swam in the pool in the rain. We turned on the heater. Looking fwd to your observations on Japan. They make beautiful socks in Japan. Alison and Zoe should definitely buy some. luv Annie

  6. Don't forget to post in English our Japanese is somewhat wanting. Have you had your 1st Sushi in Japan yet?
