Monday, March 15, 2010

What's Different About Japan?

A better question might be what isn't different. So far we have noticed many things that interest or amuse us. A few of them are listed below:
1) People are incredibly polite and courteous
2) Lots of surgical masks -we are told people wear the masks because they are unwell and worry about infecting others - see observation No. 1 !
3) Lots of bikes - most are unlocked when left unattended.
4) Vending machines everywhere - and I mean everywhere. Everything from snacks to sake available at the corner vending machine.
5) Dour-looking western celebraties promoting the most mundane of Japanese products - make my tires Yohohama - thanks to Leo DiCaprio
6) Clean !!!!- Toronto has got nothing on Japan. This country is spotless

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